Sunday, February 20, 2011

Brett Michaels to headline post marathon concerts!

Brett Michaels is planning on headlining 4 concerts in the Rock n Roll Marathon series! Right now tentatively he is scheduled for Dallas, L.A., and Philadelphia. Will Seattle be #4, I can only hope, what a treat that would be. I was a huge hair metal fan in the 80's and had the biggest crush on Brett ;) but never saw Poison. 

Starting my official training plan soon!

yeah, finally I'll be on track (no pun intended) with my training. I start on Monday with a measly 1 mile run, even though I've been doing around 2-3 miles about 3 times a week. Oh well, it seems that if I don't have a plan in place for my running I tend to slack off and that's no good. I purchased an 18 week
1/2 marathon training plan by Matt Fitzgerald from Training Peaks. so I'll be getting daily emails with my running plan for the day and tips on fitness an nutrition - I'll be passing that on...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Running is many things......

Running is not only good for the body, it's good for the soul. I consider it a form of moving meditation..

I subscribe to Runner's World magazine and in almost every issue is a moving story about how running has changed someone's life.
This change comes in many forms, helping in recovery from addiction, dealing with grief, losing weight.....the reasons are endless.
Here is a more recent story of how a group of military wives and widows are finding comfort and camaraderie in running.,7124,s6-243-297--13800-0,00.html

So why doesn't everybody run? No special equipment needed, it can be done just about anywhere and the benefits are phenomenal....
Quite simply running is hard and pushing the body physically is generally uncomfortable...Here are a "101 kicks in the butt",7120,s6-243-297--11733-0,00.html